Preschool is an exciting new adventure in your child’s life. Our teachers are dedicated to helping our preschoolers explore and develop their sense of self.
Children ages 2 ½ to 5 years old and potty trained are eligible for this program. Our daily schedule provides flexibility and consistency, as well as a good mix of physical play, social and emotional development, and communication. All our early academic lessons are geared towards furthering their development.
We are open from 7am - 6pm with different program options to suit the needs of your family. We offer two day, three day, and five day options. Our preschool program begins in August and ends in May.
For our academic curriculum, we use HighScope, an “active participatory learning” curriculum that supports critical thinking and problem solving, along with social development. Children’s interests and choices are the heart of HighScope, and children will learn to plan their activities, carry them out, and talk with others about what they have done and what they have learned with the curriculum’s "Plan, Do, Review" process. Our goals for CDC children are to learn through active play with people, ideas, and materials. We want our children to become independent, confident, and responsible. These goals will be met by following the 58 Key Developmental Indicators (KDIs). KDIs define the important learning areas for young children, which are social and emotional development, physical development and health, language, literacy and communication, mathematics, creative arts, science and technology, social studies, and approaches to learning.
We are open from 7am - 6pm with different program options to suit the needs of your family. We offer two day, three day, and five day options. Our preschool program begins in August and ends in May.
For our academic curriculum, we use HighScope, an “active participatory learning” curriculum that supports critical thinking and problem solving, along with social development. Children’s interests and choices are the heart of HighScope, and children will learn to plan their activities, carry them out, and talk with others about what they have done and what they have learned with the curriculum’s "Plan, Do, Review" process. Our goals for CDC children are to learn through active play with people, ideas, and materials. We want our children to become independent, confident, and responsible. These goals will be met by following the 58 Key Developmental Indicators (KDIs). KDIs define the important learning areas for young children, which are social and emotional development, physical development and health, language, literacy and communication, mathematics, creative arts, science and technology, social studies, and approaches to learning.
HighScope teachers will keep these indicators in mind while planning lessons and setting up their environment. We are excited to prepare our CDC children for school and life. We encourage you to read more about the HighScope curriculum at Our teachers track your child’s progress through our child assessment portfolio system and daily communication tools. Teachers use this information to share your child’s growth during Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Rates for our preschool programs are listed below. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please submit the wait list application below.
Rates for our preschool programs are listed below. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please submit the wait list application below.
Current Preschool Rates
Weekly Pay Rates
Preschool and Daycare (7am - 6pm)
- 2 Days a Week: $143/week
- 3 Days a Week: $215/week
- 5 Days a Week: $228/week
Jr. Kindergarten (7am - 6pm)
- 2 Days a Week: $165/week
- 3 Days a Week: $237/week
- 5 Days a Week: $244/week
Monthly Pay Rates
Preschool and Daycare (7am - 6pm)
- 2 Days a Week: $620/month
- 3 Days a Week: $931/month
- 5 Days a Week: $963/month
Jr. Kindergarten (7am - 6pm)
- 2 Days a Week: $715/month
- 3 Days a Week: $1,025/month
- 5 Days a Week: $1,032/month
Part Time enrollment is based on limited availability. Please contact the center for information.
A school year registration fee of $90 per child will be charged with enrollment.

To qualify for our Preschool Program, your child must be at least 2.5 years old and fully potty trained. If you are interested in enrolling your child with us, please email
If you wish to join our waitlist please email or call us at 540-825-9798.